Linda is available to speak on the following topics on your podcast or blog,
at treatment centers, meetings, conferences, summits, spiritual centers, and more.
Beyond Recovery
What do I mean by “Beyond Recovery?” It means that we don’t stop at simply recovering from addiction. Rather, we take back our power, become a stand-up person to give our greatest gifts, and grow our integrity in every area of life. This does not happen overnight, and includes a deep understanding and acceptance of our family-of-origin wounds, education on addiction, and inclusion of the brain, body, and emotions in our healing process.
This topic covers:
- What is Recovery?
- How we Move Beyond Recovery
- Finding your Unique Life Road Map (the one they never gave you!)
A New Lens on Eldering
I like to say that I’m “67 years young” and that the learning never ends. I can take a group of any age participants or your diverse listenership through a Lessons & Blessings experience that will leave them with a new definition of age.
This topic covers:
- Redefining age
- Intergeneraional wisdom sharing
- How to be a lifelong learner
Women & Transformation
I often asked myself, and other women I support: What does the still, quiet voice say to you on the inside? I believe we are driven by that voice. Can we begin to listen to this? You are not your behavior. Your behavior is what you learned in order to live up to cultural and familial norms. We receive messages about who and how we are supposed to be, whether it has to do with our gender, our body shape, what we say, how we say it, or who and how we love.
I’ve spoken to groups of women about recovery, as well as supported a half-way house for women in transition. I’m honored to share with the women in your audience.
This topic includes:
- How to Overcome Cultural Conditioning and Step Into Your Feminine Power
- Loving Yourself As You Are, Wherever You Are on Your Journey of Transformation
- What a 40+ Year Recovery Journey Looks & Feels Like
“Lessons & Blessings”
Most of us, when looking back at our past, particularly if we have been drug addicts or alcoholics, see these as stains and struggles. My journey has led me to consider each and every one as both a lesson & blessing.
This topic includes:
- Integrating Our Past Trauma Into the Present, thereby Freeing us to Create the Future
- Recovering Addict or Not, How to Learn the Lessons and see Life’s Challenges as Blessings
- Self-Responsibility as the Foundation of Integrity and Freedom
David Fischer shares his thoughts about From Hell to Heaven